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Ammonia skid removal system

Here you can see a member of our Atospray family:Ammonia removal system complete of dosing system + a full set of lances and nozzles. This skid will be installed in a waste-to-energy plant, based in Italy.

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Titanium filters

Special SET of Fiberwind mist eliminator ready to be installed in a wet-chlorine line in Spain.The wet-chlorine line creates an environment with low concentration of acid; therefore, the cages are made of Titanium. Another alternative for this type of application could be a set of Fiberwind filters with cages in FRP material. These filters are aimed at filtration of corrosive salts and moisture.

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LOV / OME Oil Mist Eliminators for USA

In this photo the products are still on completion: at the end of the construction, we proceed with all the required quality tests and painting. Our Customer requires a plastic protection cloth on each of them, which is very useful to avoid product damage during the transport and the storage, especially for sea-freight shipments.

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Wiremat for sulphuric acid industry

Here our warehouse boss Lucio checking this huge meshpad mist eliminator. After the quality check, packing, and shipping, the demister will be installed in a Sulphuric acid production plant, specifically inside the drying tower.

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Nozzles with glasses

This nozzle doesn’t seem at ease taking photos...It will be definitely more confident after its installation in a quenching tower! P.S. the glasses are out of our scope of supply.

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Purge Air Sysytem

Did you know that Skids are WESPs best friends?There are different types of skids and each one has a specific function. Here you can see a "purge air skid": This system continuously flushes clean air inside the insulator compartment, to prevent deposit of dust, humidity and moisture on ceramic insulators.

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